petak, 3. srpnja 2009.

My SL start

First of all, my apolgize, my English is not the best.

You may regret this. I simply cannot say anything about me in few sentences, so put your catlle on, make a tea, take some food, and for your sake, sit down.

Why am I here? Well, at first I just wanted to research SL for my column, what is all this racket about… I was lost at first. Two lost two days on that spooky newbie island, trying to figure out how to dress up and move away from there. Some strange creatures asked me stupid questions and I respond with stupid answers. No friends jet.

Finally I noticed tabs at the bottom of the page and start searching. First I wanted to earn some lindens and ended at some beautifully designed sim where I was chased by bad shaped male characters with their 'weapons' out. I run away, desapointed and insulted.

Then some little lamp lighted in my head and I typed in search – fantasy, what brings me at our home gate. There was a beautiful dressed knight guardian who greeted me and asked me politely to dress up. So I got my freebie gown at the gate, hid behind a column (or I thought so) and in a hour I was dressed, while good knight was having fun watching silly newbie having troubles with changing the appearance.

The rest is history, friendly creatures, cute faes, funny drows and proud dragons, beautiful elves… It was love at the first sight. I wanted to be part of this fine community, play with them, be friends with them. And now I am, now my heart is big as Avilon hills.

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